PinnedPublished inDataDrivenInvestor10 Tips to Writing Better ESG ReportsESG reporting is more of an art than a science, there is not a standard for a “good” or a “bad” ESG report, it’s more like storytellingJan 11, 2022Jan 11, 2022
Published inDataDrivenInvestorYour “climate-friendly” investments might not be doing what you expected them toMost ESG ratings fail to convey what they promised to …Jun 21, 2022Jun 21, 2022
Published inDataDrivenInvestorAnother missing price tag — the water footprint of our consumption“Carbon footprint” is not a new concept anymore, but have you thought about your water footprint before making purchases?Feb 27, 20221Feb 27, 20221
Published inGeek CultureInternal Carbon Pricing — Why do businesses need to start implementing it right nowIn such a huge, ever-changing carbon market, what should you do as an individual business? Internal Carbon Pricing might give you the…Jan 22, 2022Jan 22, 2022
Published inGeek CultureHow “GREEN” is the METAVERSE? The two sides of the environmental impact of the metaverseThe METAVERSE? What is it Really?Jan 16, 20222Jan 16, 20222
Published inGeek Culture“Meat” from the lab: When is cultured meat going to be on everyone’s plate?“It had a bland, neutral flavour. When I bit into it I was impressed by how it did have a density that is familiar.”Jan 9, 2022Jan 9, 2022
Published inGeek CultureTop 3 ESG trends to keep up with in 2022Ocean Economy, Biodiversity, Carbon Offsetting and moreJan 2, 20221Jan 2, 20221
Published inTDS Archive5 ways AI is transforming the fashion industry for sustainability“Fashion is the science of appearance, and it inspires one with the desire to seem rather than to be” — Henry Fielding.Dec 29, 2021Dec 29, 2021
Published inDataDrivenInvestorGreen Transportation — how to make it more sustainable during the pandemic?On May 12, Elon Musk tweeted that Tesla would suspend vehicle purchasing via Bitcoin. Musk was worried about the impact of surging energy…Dec 28, 20212Dec 28, 20212
Published inDataDrivenInvestorDoing the right business in the right way : businesses’ sustainable transformationbusinesses need to adapt themselves to this “New Normal” and stand up to ESG expectations from various stakeholdersJan 24, 2021Jan 24, 2021